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Chickpeas and Cauliflower

Yields1 ServingPrep Time15 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time45 mins

This recipe was recommended by Patty, one of our clients. It's a meatless meal that can be enjoyed hot or cold depending on your taste. The key to making this meal quickly is to have the chickpeas already prepared. Thanks Patty!

 2 cups Fresh cauliflower florets
 ¼ cup Chickpeas (pre-cooked)
 6 Cashews
 ¼ cup Cooked brown rice
 2 tsp Mustard (no sugar)
 2 tsp Honey
 Juice from 1/4 lemon
 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar.
 1 tsp Fresh ground ginger
 Morton's Lite Salt and peper to taste
 2 tsp Low sodium hot sauce. (Optional)

Preheat oven to 400°.


Using a foil lined sheet pan, spray a few squirts of non-stick spray on foil.


Spread out florets on pan leaving a space between them.


Roast for 20-30 minutes until florets start to brown and are fork tender.


When done, place in a medium to large mixing bowl.


Add cooked chickpeas, and rice.


Whisk together the mustard, honey, lemon juice, ginger, and vinegar into a basic dressing and pour over the cauliflower mixture.


Add Morton’s Lite Salt and pepper to taste.


Add cashews over the top.


Add hot sauce it desired.

This recipe makes 1 serving

Count serving as: 1 protein- 2 veggies- 1 fat - 1 starch

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