Grilled Tuna Steak

When cooking a tuna steak it helps to think of it as a beef steak. Cook it over high heat, go easy on the seasoning, and cook it rare! Some people will not be comfortable eating fish that is basically raw in the middle. This is understandable. If you are one of them, just let the fish cook for another minute or two on each side until you see the grey band rise completely on the side. Let it rest for 10 minutes and it should be fully cooked. Temp at 145° to be sure. The texture will be somewhat different, but still delicious.
Note: Be aware that indoor grilling can cause a fair amount of smoke. If cooking indoors, you may want to open your windows for ventilation. This is another terrific fish dish that can be mixed and matched with a variety of different veggies and starches. Also, feel free to try some of the other dressings with it as well. Grilling fish is a fast and easy way of cooking and can be done right on your outdoor barbecue. And if you have never had a tuna steak, be aware that it tastes nothing like canned tuna fish. A tuna steak is much more subtle and sweet.

 6 oz Tuna steakFresh as you can find
 2 cups AsparagusRaw
 ½ cup Potato
 Morton’s Lite Salt
 Ground Pepper
 Grilling cooking spray.
 2.50 tbsp Sesame Ginger DressingFrom this Website


Trim about 1 inch off of the bottom of the asparagus shoots.


Using an outdoor grill, an indoor grill, or a stove top grill pan, cook asparagus for about 10 minutes gently flipping every 2-3 minutes for uniform grilling.


They are done when they are soft, but not mushy.


Set aside and keep warm.


I find that microwaving a potato is the best way to cook it.


Using a fork, carefully poke some holes into a whole potato.


Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes until cooked through.


Feel free to bake yours in an oven. 40 minutes at 400° should work well.

Tuna Steak

Season steak with some Morton’s Lite Salt and ground pepper.


Spray your grill or grill pan liberally with grilling cooking spray


When pan or grill is very hot, place steak on and don’t move it for two minutes.


You should see a grey band form on the bottom and work its way up.


Flip steak over when the band gets about ¼ up the steak.


Cook for another 2-3 minutes.


Remove and place on a plate to rest with a sheet of aluminum foil over it.


After a 5 minute rest, slice thinly and plate with the asparagus and potato.


Drizzle 2.5 tablespoons of the sesame ginger dressing over the tuna and asparagus.

This recipes makes 1 serving

Count as 1 protein – 2 veggies – 1 Starch – 1 Fat