Turkey Taco Bowl

makes 1 serving
counts as 1 protein, 1 starch, 1 fat and 1 veggie

 you correct serving of chicken/turkey/beef
 1 cup total of diced tomato and chopped lettuce (you can adjust if your plan calls for more veggies)
 1 6 inch tortilla
 spices to taste...add together: cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper, paprika, oregano, onion powder and garlic


To Make Taco Bowl:

heat over to 400 degrees
Turn a muffin tin upside down and place the tortilla shell in the spaces


Place in oven until hard and formed like a bowl. approximately 10 minutes
let cool


To make Taco filling

Combine your spices in the meat and let set while your taco bowl formed
Heat 2 tsp oil in a pan
Stir fry your meat until cooked through


Add veggies and meat into the taco shell.
