Coaching Videos

The Coaching Channel

Mind, Body & Soul fitness coaching channel is all about reaching those who use food to cope with how they feel, who eat the bad days as well as the good, who look at food as the main reason for the get-together, who feel isolated and alone if they don’t partake in what everyone else is eating.  Many of you tell me you feel “deprived” on your weight loss journey.  Deprived is defined as: “suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits.” I ask you, is this what you are really feeling?

In this coaching channel, I will teach you to listen to what you are feeling, to know that these thoughts are fleeting and will pass.  I will teach you coping skills so that you do not eat to numb out.  I will also teach you how not to pass this onto your kids, even though you learned from your mother and have difficulty seeing how to get past it.

Lastly, many of you come to me believing in God but are feeling disconnected from Him and ask me for guidance on prayer and meditation. I will teach you how to pray and reconnect with God, and how to reach for God, prayer, exercise, music, or journaling to cope, instead of eating.  I will help you rediscover your purpose I hope you will allow me to walk with you on this journey.

Emotional Support Candy...

Did you ever wonder why you are drawn to a particular food?

Silence is Scary

So often we want and need silence but most of us are a little terrified of it. What do you think of when I say silence? Does it send you to the pantry?

Artificial Sweeteners

The Skinny on Artificial Sweeteners

How are your friends and family influence you’re eating

Breaking social norms is scary. We all want to feel part of the gang and if we’re are not eating and drinking, well you feel awkward. Healthy eating choices take balance and control. You can achieve success! I challenge you to try STRATEGIZED EATING. It is possible to be part of the herd but not eat the same grass!

How not to eat your feelings

Simple tips on how not to let that “off” feeling lead you to snacking

July Move Challenge

Move challenge for July. Record your movement with your smart phone or watch and post to my Facebook page. I will total up all times moves and the winner will be sent a $50 Amazon gift card. I will be posting results each week. Any movement works!

How Not To Eat Your Feelings

How to channel your feelings into a non eating activity Journal challenge questions: 1. Write out what you are feeling and why or what started you down that road. Describe to me what you are feel, hear, smell. Describe in detail. 2. Write out what you want to do (your distraction or/and escape) to not feel that way. Did you write out some sort of food or alcohol? If you did, you are eating your thoughts and feelings, and there is hope! 3. Write out what can you do that is healthy to work through the thought or feeling. Please share in the comments below. Let me know what else you would like to talk about. God bless!

Five habits to stop: Overextending yourself to make everyone happy.

Overextending yourself to make everyone happy
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Reduce Anxiety With Meditation

Mind, Body & Soul Fitness Keep a journal when you meditate. Luke 11:9 Matthew 6:34

2 Minute Meditation To Not Eat Your Feelings

How to use prayer to not eat your feelings God I praise You for who You are and I see Your greatness and goodness in these ways: I acknowledge I am sinful and needful. Forgive me for: I am so thankful for the gifts in my life, especially for: I turn to You and ask for Your help for these things and these people:
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