Lesia Petrizo

Lesia Petrizo
CEO Owner

Lesia Petrizio

I have always struggled with my weight. Sometimes it is more like a wrestling match! Sometimes I would win and sometimes the food won. I was born on April 26th, 1965 healthy and normal. During my grade school years, I wore huskies and during high school, I was in a size 12. My nickname was thunder thighs. I look back now and was grateful that I was on swim team, cross county and marching band. I would have been larger if I was not so active. I was married on September 7th, 1985 at 232 pounds and on my first anniversary, I weighed 264 pounds. I was jolted into reality when my orthopedic doctor told me, to my face, I was fat and if I didn’t lose weight my knees would need to be replaced by the time I was 40. This is the exact moment I went on a diet. Just a side note. I did not lose the weight because he told me I would need knee replacements. I was shocked by it because no one had called me fat. The sound of that word still echoes in my ears! But, I am thankful he said something now. I lost 132 pounds the third year of my marriage and kept it off until my first child was born. On July 31st, 1992 I gave birth at 232 pounds. I lost the weight in 8 months! Life was great! I became pregnant and gave birth to Dominick on March 20th, 1996 at 192 pounds. I started to lose the weight then on July 26th my Dominick passed away. I ate myself up sixty pounds. I lost all the weight by July of 1999. Since 1986 I had been working with women, like myself, who struggle with weight. I have been where you are and I know where you are going. Let me help you on your journey. I know what to do to help you, yes you, be successful!

Phone: +1 (215) 804-7975
Email: contact@mindbodyandsoulfitness.us

Dana BoettingerDana Boettinger

Today is my 2-Year Anniversary of starting this life style change. I have tried almost every program out there, with initial success, but no permanent changes. I lost 37 pounds and have kept it off since April 2022. I live my life and don’t feel cheated when it comes to eating. You never need to buy pills or supplements. Read that again and then again. You eat real food! The biggest plus I have for this program is the continued accountability and support. I send a picture of my scale to Janis weekly and KNOW this keeps me motivated and accountable. Janis has been amazing and an inspiration. I am so very thankful for her and this journey and would HIGHLY recommend anyone to begin. It may seem restrictive and daunting at first, but stick with it and fight hard through it. I promise you, when you achieve your goals and maintain them for months and months and months, those early days will seem like a gift. Thank you Leisa for sharing with us your knowledge. I will forever be grateful. Happy 2024!

Kelly MyersKelly Myers

Mind, Body & Soul works great! I have tried every other “diet” out there and this is the only program that has helped me to lose weight. I eat healthier now than I ever did before and I feel so much better. Laura is my food coach and her positive encouragement and helpful tips have been amazing. It is so nice to still be able to go out to restaurants and thanks to her menu suggestions I still lose weight. Fitting into my smaller sized clothes again is the best feeling, I highly recommend Mind, Body & Soul!

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