
The Recipes

Welcome to Mind, Body & Soul fitness Recipes! All the recipes you find are on your plan and over the years loved by many!  The recipes are uncomplicated and family-friendly.  There are endless ways to cook your food. If you have a recipe that you would like to try, text it to Lesia at 215-804-7975.

Why be creative with your food? I have found over the years that 80% of clients do not like to eat the same thing. They like variety and different tastes and textures. So, recipes assist you with getting out of that feeling. Recipes are also easy for families. If there is only time to cook one meal, this is a great way to feed the family and stay losing weight. For some of our clients, they prepare a weeks’ worth of dinners and freeze for the week.

Meal planning is essential for success.  Why? Because if you do not know where you are going, you will never arrive.  Meal planning is your road map to success.  You must understand how you are eating for the day or the week you are in.  I have found that a sense of peace washes over the clients who plan their meals. Before long, this becomes a habit.  Meal planning also sets parameters.  It gives you clear expectations and it provides you routine. Routine is something most people need.

Meal Planning success

Meal planning also saves you time and money.  It is also less stressful.  Planning will keep you calm and avoid feeling out of control.  Most clients do not do well with unknow or last-minute decisions.  It raises their stress levels and they feel out of control, so that leads to eating off-plan, the standard response to handling stress.  That is why you are here!  To deal with this take time! Plan your eating day and week! You can do it!!

The benefits of spending 15 minutes planning your week are: feeling acommplished, feeling fantastic, feeling in control and loving weight loss !

Give some recipes a try!!

Spinach Stuffed Pork ChopBy Kevin PetrizioHere is a pork recipe that satisfies the meat eater in some of us. A stuffed center cut pork chop. You can cook it in the oven as I did in this recipe, or you can grill it. The most important thing is to get the temperature correct. 145° and then rested for 3 minutes is what you want. Try not to go too far over that as it will dry out the chop. For juicy and tender, 145-150° is the sweet spot.
Spinach SouffléBy Kevin PetrizioVery few words create fear in a home cook's heart like the word "soufflé". We all have images of an incredibly difficult and time consuming recipe to prepare. And what if something goes wrong in the oven? All that work for nothing. Most of us say it's not worth the effort. Well, soufflés aren't really that difficult. It's very similar to making a cake. The next time you want to try something a little different, this is your go to recipe. I've made soufflés before. Both chocolate and cheese. This was my first time with a spinach soufflé. Making it to fit on our plan was a bit challenging, but I think this is a good representation. I noticed that the spinach does not rise as much as the chocolate or the cheese soufflé. But you still get the light and fluffy texture that soufflés are known for.
Chicken Cauliflower Rice BowlBy Kevin PetrizioThis is an older recipe that I have updated. I have always loved roasted veggies. I think it brings out a completely different flavor compared to boiled or stir fried veggies. Also, grilled works great. You can grill whole broccoli sliced in half, zucchini, also cut in half, Onion and tomatoes. Just cut the tomato or onion in half and roast until they are just starting to char. Place them on a hamburger and now you have an amazing meal.
Baked Apple & Raisins (Microwave)By Kevin PetrizioThere are literally hundreds of apple types available in this country. They are nutritious and are believed to have many health benefits. That's probably where the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" comes from. Eat them raw or cooked, but do leave the skin on. It is believed that many of the nutrients are in the skin. Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith, Red and Yellow Delicious, Macintosh, and Honey Crisp are just some of the more commonly know varieties of apples available in most grocery stores.These apples all have different flavors and textures. Some work better than others when cooking with them. Apples are fairly inexpensive so I urge you to try different ones and see what your favorites are.
SalmonBy Kevin PetrizioI’ve often thought of salmon as a difficult fish to cook. And being that it’s not one of my favorites, I have not really spent a lot of time cooking with it. I recently saw a recipe on a cooking show that I thought was interesting and was pretty easy to adapt to the MBS food plan. I was amazed at the results! I can say now that this will be one of my favorite fish dishes to make. And salmon is considered to be incredibly healthy as well. They served it with a refrigerator pickle like the one I made last week, so I did the same. Just search for "Pickle" and you will find the recipe. If you like salmon, give this one a try!
Stuffed Zucchini BoatBy Kevin PetrizioThis recipe, while not difficult, involves a lot of steps. It is much faster and easier if you already have tomato sauce made. We only need 1/2 cup for this recipe. I used ground turkey, but chicken, beef or pork can be used if desired. You could even use beans or legumes instead of animal protein if you wanted to go vegetarian. Have fun trying different variations of this recipe!
Chicken Fingers with Honey Mustard and Buffalo style SauceBy Kevin PetrizioThe most requested meal that I get is for Buffalo Chicken. So lets break out the air fryer and make chicken fingers on Plan and tasty. I'm going to make simple honey mustard and hot wing style sauces that can be used with many other meals. These dipping sauces are the gems of this recipe. They have so much flavor and can be used on so many other foods. The honey mustard makes a great salad dressing as well. Experiment and let us know how you use them!
Banana BreadBy Lesia Petrizio2 oz square by weight equals 1/2 starch, 1 Fruit and 1 Fat
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