There are many different recipes for Garam Masala. This is a basic one that I have used for years. It is not uncommon for recipes to use this and add additional spices to it to highlight different flavors. This is a great place to start. Keep in mind that this is very strong stuff, especially when grinding your own spices. Start out slowly with your spices and taste it before serving. Often at the end of cooking I will give my pan another hit of the spices mix just to freshen up the flavors. I didn’t add any hot peppers to this spice mix, but I usually do for myself. I add 4-6 birds’ eye chili peppers for some heat. I don’t recommend that you do unless you have experience with curries. And yes, your house will smell like an Indian restaurant for a few days. Most of these spices are available in seed or pod form. If possible, buy them that way. They will last much longer than the pre-ground stuff.

Mix together all of the seeds and pods (not the ground spices) and add to a hot skillet over medium heat. Shake the seeds every few seconds so they don’t burn. Seeds will become fragrant in about 2-3 minutes. As soon as you start to smell the spices or see some smoke from the pan, remove them from the heat and pan and let them cool on a plate.
They are very HOT! Be careful! After 5 minutes or so the spices should be cool enough to handle. Add them to a spice grinder or an old coffee grinder and grind them into a fairly fine powder.
Note: Do not use a coffee grinder that you still use for coffee. The coffee will never taste the same again! You may have to grind this in batches depending on your grinder.
When done grinding, add the turmeric powder to your ground spices and mix well.
Store in an airtight container and your mixture will last at least a month or two.
Cut chicken into bite size cubes
In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat until hot and add chicken
Stir chicken occasionally until no longer pink on the outside.
Add frozen vegetables to the pan, add salt and add 1 teaspoon of the curry mix. Add ¾ cup of water, stir well and cover pan.
Allow pan to come up to a boil and lower heat to a simmer stirring occasionally.
After simmering for 5 minutes, add rice and half and half.
Allow to simmer for 5 more minutes and then check that the chicken and vegetables are cooked through.
The mixture should be creamy. You may need to add a little water to get that consistency.
Check seasoning and add more curry if you like.
This recipe makes 2 servings
Count each serving as: 1 protein - 2 veggie - 1 fat - 1 starch
And it uses your 2 teaspoons of half & half for the day!
Mix together all of the seeds and pods (not the ground spices) and add to a hot skillet over medium heat. Shake the seeds every few seconds so they don’t burn. Seeds will become fragrant in about 2-3 minutes. As soon as you start to smell the spices or see some smoke from the pan, remove them from the heat and pan and let them cool on a plate.
They are very HOT! Be careful! After 5 minutes or so the spices should be cool enough to handle. Add them to a spice grinder or an old coffee grinder and grind them into a fairly fine powder.
Note: Do not use a coffee grinder that you still use for coffee. The coffee will never taste the same again! You may have to grind this in batches depending on your grinder.
When done grinding, add the turmeric powder to your ground spices and mix well.
Store in an airtight container and your mixture will last at least a month or two.
Cut chicken into bite size cubes
In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat until hot and add chicken
Stir chicken occasionally until no longer pink on the outside.
Add frozen vegetables to the pan, add salt and add 1 teaspoon of the curry mix. Add ¾ cup of water, stir well and cover pan.
Allow pan to come up to a boil and lower heat to a simmer stirring occasionally.
After simmering for 5 minutes, add rice and half and half.
Allow to simmer for 5 more minutes and then check that the chicken and vegetables are cooked through.
The mixture should be creamy. You may need to add a little water to get that consistency.
Check seasoning and add more curry if you like.
This recipe makes 2 servings
Count each serving as: 1 protein - 2 veggie - 1 fat - 1 starch
And it uses your 2 teaspoons of half & half for the day!