Here is a pork recipe that satisfies the meat eater in some of us. A stuffed center cut pork chop. You can cook it in the oven as I did in this recipe, or you can grill it. The most important thing is to get the temperature correct. 145° and then rested for 3 minutes is what you want. Try not to go too far over that as it will dry out the chop. For juicy and tender, 145-150° is the sweet spot.

Pre-heat over to 375°.
Defrost or wilt down about 1 pound of spinach. Drain some of the water from the spinach. It's fine to leave some as it will help keep the pork moist. Season with the spices to taste. Measure out 1 cup of wilted or defrosted spinach.
Separate two large tablespoons worth of the spinach into a separate bowl. This is what we will be using to stuff the chop with. We don't want to contaminate the rest of the spinach with the raw pork.
Carefully slice into the side of the pork chop to make a pouch. Take your time and make the pouch as big as you can. It's okay if you cut through.
Using a table spoon, stuff some of the spinach into the chop's pouch. It will probably take 1 or 2 tablespoons worth. Discard any left over spinach. Do NOT add it back to the bowl with the rest of the spinach.
Season the chop with the seasonings on both sides.
Put a piece of foil on a sheet pan and spray it with cooking spray. Add pork chop to pan and cook for 40 Minutes. Check Tempature after 30 minutes and every five minutes after that. We are looking for 145-150°. When done, remove from oven and pan and set on a plate. Cover loosely with foil and allow to rest for 3-4 minutes.
Make some holes in a potato with a fork and then microwave it for 3 minutes. Check for doneness and continue to microwave for 1 minute at a time until done.
Reheat left over spinach in the microwave for 1 minutes.
Add 1 teaspoon of butter to both the potato and spinach. Plate and serve
This makes 1 serving
Count as: 1 Protein -- 2 Veggies -- 1 Starch -- 1 Fat
Pre-heat over to 375°.
Defrost or wilt down about 1 pound of spinach. Drain some of the water from the spinach. It's fine to leave some as it will help keep the pork moist. Season with the spices to taste. Measure out 1 cup of wilted or defrosted spinach.
Separate two large tablespoons worth of the spinach into a separate bowl. This is what we will be using to stuff the chop with. We don't want to contaminate the rest of the spinach with the raw pork.
Carefully slice into the side of the pork chop to make a pouch. Take your time and make the pouch as big as you can. It's okay if you cut through.
Using a table spoon, stuff some of the spinach into the chop's pouch. It will probably take 1 or 2 tablespoons worth. Discard any left over spinach. Do NOT add it back to the bowl with the rest of the spinach.
Season the chop with the seasonings on both sides.
Put a piece of foil on a sheet pan and spray it with cooking spray. Add pork chop to pan and cook for 40 Minutes. Check Tempature after 30 minutes and every five minutes after that. We are looking for 145-150°. When done, remove from oven and pan and set on a plate. Cover loosely with foil and allow to rest for 3-4 minutes.
Make some holes in a potato with a fork and then microwave it for 3 minutes. Check for doneness and continue to microwave for 1 minute at a time until done.
Reheat left over spinach in the microwave for 1 minutes.
Add 1 teaspoon of butter to both the potato and spinach. Plate and serve
This makes 1 serving
Count as: 1 Protein -- 2 Veggies -- 1 Starch -- 1 Fat