
The Recipes

Welcome to Mind, Body & Soul fitness Recipes! All the recipes you find are on your plan and over the years loved by many!  The recipes are uncomplicated and family-friendly.  There are endless ways to cook your food. If you have a recipe that you would like to try, text it to Lesia at 215-804-7975.

Why be creative with your food? I have found over the years that 80% of clients do not like to eat the same thing. They like variety and different tastes and textures. So, recipes assist you with getting out of that feeling. Recipes are also easy for families. If there is only time to cook one meal, this is a great way to feed the family and stay losing weight. For some of our clients, they prepare a weeks’ worth of dinners and freeze for the week.

Meal planning is essential for success.  Why? Because if you do not know where you are going, you will never arrive.  Meal planning is your road map to success.  You must understand how you are eating for the day or the week you are in.  I have found that a sense of peace washes over the clients who plan their meals. Before long, this becomes a habit.  Meal planning also sets parameters.  It gives you clear expectations and it provides you routine. Routine is something most people need.

Meal Planning success

Meal planning also saves you time and money.  It is also less stressful.  Planning will keep you calm and avoid feeling out of control.  Most clients do not do well with unknow or last-minute decisions.  It raises their stress levels and they feel out of control, so that leads to eating off-plan, the standard response to handling stress.  That is why you are here!  To deal with this take time! Plan your eating day and week! You can do it!!

The benefits of spending 15 minutes planning your week are: feeling acommplished, feeling fantastic, feeling in control and loving weight loss !

Give some recipes a try!!

Grilled VeggiesBy Lesia PetrizioEach ½ cup portion counts as 1 veggie serving
Fresh SalsaBy Lesia PetrizioMakes 3 cups ~1 cup of salsa counts as 1 veggie serving
Roasted AsparagusBy Kevin PetrizioThis is a refresh of an older recipe. This makes a terrific side dish for just about any protein. You can even cut them up into small pieces and make an omelette.
Stuffed Pepper SoupBy Lesia PetrizioMakes three servings Each serving counts as: 1 protein, 2 veggies & 1 starch
Chicken Rice Soup (Updated Recipe)By Lesia PetrizioThis is an update to an American classic: Chicken and Rice Soup. The addition of lemon and fresh parsley really adds some brightness and flavor. Sage, thyme, Rosemary, and even Italian seasoning are all good choices when seasoning this soup. I recommend that you limit your herbs to two or three. Less is more in this case.
Zesty BruschettaBy Lesia Petrizio1 cup of bruschetta counts as 1 veggie and 1 fat serving.
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